I have always found them; and more, - I repeat it with joy, with triumph, - I have always found some proof of human perversity or error.
And actual places where, because of density or misery or sheer human perversity, the fabric of things just comes apart and that black core in us swallows all the rest.
I believe in the unbounded limits of human perversity and stupidity.
Thus he went on adoring her, fearing to realize that it was human perversity.
Who can tell about the potential of human perversity?
It was human decision, or human perversity, which led to Boromir claiming the journey, with what chain of ill-effects and casualties no one can tell.
To the doctrine of predestination, Hooker replied that it was the will of a merciful God that all should be saved, and that this was frustrated only by human perversity.
The city, he says, is "an immense, ornamental graveyard" where "chaos reigns and human perversities run rampant."
Ultimately the film is not really about the physical or ethical dangers of cloning; it asks us to experience the sensations of horror on classic premises: human perversity and scientific implausibility.
All Hell had to do was to help human perversity run a little more than its natural course.