Several adenoviruses, especially adenovirus serotype 36 (Adv36), have been shown to cause obesity in animals, and are associated with human obesity.
Are there evolutionary roots to human obesity?
The long-term objective is better understanding of human obesity.
It would not be fair to say that both books blame capitalism for bad food, animal cruelty and widespread human obesity, but they come close.
Sympathetic nervous system behavior in human obesity.
He added that several pharmaceutical companies were exploring the possibility of using them in human obesity.
This work has had a major role in our understanding of the mechanisms regulating body weight and that cause of human obesity.
In 1998, it was reported that MC4R mutations were associated with inherited human obesity.
Despite the elegance of the leptin hypothesis, researchers caution that environment also plays a role in human obesity.
In earlier years, Ristow published a seminal article describing a genetic mutation associated with extreme human obesity.