In other areas of the brain, viable human neurons have been recovered and grown in culture hours after clinical death.
Cells that look and behave like human muscle-activating neurons can be generated with just a couple of chemical signals.
Work by Professor Aihara and others has shown that human neurons exhibit some chaotic behavior.
In another case, human umbilical cord blood stem cells were converted into human neurons.
And information in human neurons usually lasts at least an hour even at room temperature.
Being larger than but similar in nature to human neurons, squid cells were easier to study.
In addition, we show that foreign genetic material can also be introduced into human retinal neurons that are decades old.
More Important, human neurons don't fire that fast.
So he came up with an ingenious idea: why not make a mouse with a brain composed entirely of human neurons?
To Lynch, ideas were information encoded in human neurons or other media.