As their human counterparts are linked mind-to-mind, the humans mate when their dragons mate.
However, due to the functional independence of sexual desire and love, humans may mate without bonding or may bond without mating.
Elves and humans could mate; maybe shape-shifted dragons and humans could, or elves and dragons.
To maintain these distinctions, humans have intentionally mated dogs with certain characteristics to encourage those characteristics in the offspring.
Many wild humans mate for life.
The titillating question has always been whether the lighter-boned modern humans ever mated with the brawny, jut-faced Neanderthals.
I had felt the highly developed physical sensations that come to fulfillment when humans sexually mate!
"And besides: do humans mate so quietly?"
Nonetheless, more recent genetic studies seem to suggest that modern humans may have mated with "at least two groups" of ancient humans: Neanderthals and Denisovans.
"Miss Kitty, I don't want to offend you, but, uh, humans and kzinti do not mate."