I looked to literature for strong social argument, intellectual power, human liberation.
Critical theory maintains that ideology is the principal obstacle to human liberation.
Rogers's endorsement of socialism paralleled her support of women and reflected a philosophy of human liberation.
Cassirer believed that reason's self-realization leads to human liberation.
The party believes that socialism leads to human liberation from every oppressive situation, exploitation and injustice.
For him, the ideal of total human liberation leads to a kind of totalitarianism of private desire.
It allows a translation process to be undertaken, while the underlying theme (that for example of human liberation) remains constant.
To Freire, the purpose of education should be human liberation, which means people are subjects of their own learning, not empty vessels filled by teachers' knowledge.
45 Some gnostic Christians, extending that type of interpretation, expected human liberation to occur not through actual events in history, but through internal transformation.
Abundant, cheap electricity has been the greatest source of human liberation in the 20th century.