The art of scavenging, it appears, is one of the great tributes to human inventiveness.
With human inventiveness to back it up, no more than a century or two would be required to establish a second home world for your kind.
A Story in String" is a tale of human inventiveness on two levels.
The nature of her punishments drew particular comment from people amazed at the seemingly endless human inventiveness in hurting other people.
What prodigies of human inventiveness, Ellie reflected, were being directed to reading each other's mail.
Some argued that access to Xeelee technology damaged human inventiveness.
The burst of human inventiveness characterized by the prototype Susy drive was not sustained.
In the face of human inventiveness they didn't stand a chance-because if there was one thing humanity was good at, it was finding ways to kill.
Ellsworth was pointing out that the rate of human inventiveness and innovation was so impressive that it was hard to believe.
It is a case study in human inventiveness, with occasional juvenile and petty passages, and the originators of these tips are happy to share them.