My deep drive to defeat the time storm reached out with its left hand to touch the basic human hunger to conquer and rule.
The purpose of the 'Great Work' is to become God, and you dismiss it as mere human hunger for power.
Social scientists say the human hunger for entertainment may be as old as society itself.
"But you no longer have human hungers?"
For $99 to $250, they promise to satisfy the human hunger to learn about one's origins - and sometimes much more.
The stargazer is also responding, as does the bird watcher or naturalist, to the human hunger to identify that which he sees.
C3 Projections of the impact of global warming on human hunger.
Standing above her on the boat's main deck, eyes bearing their own peculiar human hunger, a soldier watched the continuing bloodshed.
But with a bitter smile, he thought of the Vampire Lestat's human hunger for heroism.
This is not a spiritual or religious statement; it is an analysis of human hunger, of the void within.