This social theory advances the goals of human emancipation, while maintaining an inclusive universalist moral framework.
Holding that Christianity is neither true nor moral (in not being gender inclusive), she believes the overcoming of patriarchal religion to be fundamental to human emancipation.
And behind Tresca's "charisma," doubtless, there was also a possessive-paternalistic relationship that no coherent partisan of human emancipation would accept.
The communist movement has failed, in every sense, to achieve its stated intentions of leading a worldwide movement for human emancipation.
This ambivalence gave rise to the "pessimism" of the new Critical Theory over the possibility of human emancipation and freedom.
In Marx's view, Bauer fails to distinguish between political emancipation and human emancipation.
The goal of human emancipation, represented (in different ways) by Karl Marx and Jesus Christ.
The study clubs for which the movement was noted declined however, and attention had shifted from human emancipation towards building stronger, more professional institutions.
For Advanced Chemistry, hip hop is a "vehicle of general human emancipation,".
It entails the submission of received understanding to critical reappropriation for the purpose of human emancipation.