In this role they can out-perform human divers, who are restricted to short working times and limited repeat diving.
In water, equivalent discomfort to a human diver would be caused by about 195 decibels.
The old days when human divers did all the work were long since past.
Then human divers have gone down to take a look.
This is much more efficient, as a team of human divers would need upwards of 21 days to perform the same task.
Submarines can work at greater depths than are survivable or practical for human divers.
So far, he thought, no more time had passed than a skillful, breathing human diver might require to maintain herself underwater.
The difference might have caused serious injury to a human diver.
His experimental work on goats and observations of human divers appeared to support this assumption.
Unlike a human diver, the- whale does not rely solely on the air it can store in its lungs.