He is a human cyborg and has a cybernetic arm with a smart gun mounted on it.
Briareos is a cyborg, mostly human but with enhanced physical strength and an integrated head/helmet, with multiple camera eyes.
The human cyborg nodded, and Hari noted-perhaps a little enviously-the youthful strength of her supple figure.
Already a powerful ninja, he now had the incredible power and speed of a human cyborg.
R, a human military-created cyborg with Megatron's memories, and would participate in the ambush that killed Bumblebee.
In 1997, Philip Kennedy, a scientist and physician designed the world's first human cyborg named Johnny Ray.
Andrey - human cyborg at the employ of the Family.
His strange biology could make one think he is an alien, an evolved human cyborg or a combination of these possibilities.
She's a human cyborg.
Now mankind's only hope is a new weapon known as Project Saber, three human cyborgs that are genetically enhanced to a super natural level.