He was also an anthropologist, whose studies of the human cranium led to the classifications dolichocephalic and brachycephalic.
To tell the end of the story first, the Piltdown remains consisted of a modern human cranium and the partial jawbone of an orangutan.
Computerized axial tomography allowed one to look into the human cranium, revealing the brain slice by slice.
The skull has the same proportions as modern human craniums and has other features that are non-Neanderthal.
In 1645, while work was being carried out underneath the altar of the church of Bouhy, a human cranium was discovered.
What lay on the ground a few feet away was not the top of his head, but a kind of hat shaped like a human cranium.
We now know that Piltdown was a fraud composed of a modern human cranium and an ape's jaw.
Nearby sat open storage compartments: one the size of a torso, another that of a human cranium.
Not until 1953 did British scientists finally certify that this proto-human skull was actually a chimera built from a human cranium and an ape's jaw.
One muttered word and the desk projector displayed a cutaway view of a human cranium.