Restoration & Enhancement Sometimes fish and wildlife habitats need a little help from their human caretakers.
The dogs had their day and left the fretting to their human caretakers.
In addition, they were fed and watched by human caretakers.
With life spans that for some species can be 80 years or longer, many of the birds have outlived their human caretakers.
Always, always, I sang endless praises of my human caretakers.
Those clients, he added, "often have human caretakers, but they crave an extra layer of protective hardware."
These human caretakers were trapped in a prison of the mother's own invention.
Even with many new developments in the technology of remote control, telescopes here will probably always need a few human caretakers.
But the same can't be said for his quartet of human caretakers.
And to judge by their speed and their determination, these animals weren't going to be looking back to their human caretakers anytime soon.