But as with most human artifices, its spirit never died out completely.
The Last Mistake was a sort of monument to the failure of human artifice at critical moments.
Outlaws any human artifice in its design; 2.
For decades, Provincetown has kept an alternating rhythm of natural austerity - imposed by the elements - and flashy human artifice.
This is especially true of the "modern" city, filled with human artifice and moral contradiction.
Things like beds and cloaks, formed by human artifice, have no innate tendency to become beds or cloaks for example.
Natural things stand in contrast to artifacts, which are formed by human artifice, not because of an innate tendency.
Their story, however, is attended by a catalog of scholarly footnotes, as if to demonstrate that each myth is a human artifice.
Forget the messiness of years and days - every work of human artifice has a proper viewing distance.
But in contrast to death, a natural phenomenon, taxes are a human artifice and what has been created by humans can be undone or at least altered.