A grapevine grew out of a huge cracked urn and had been teased overhead on trellises.
Half a mile out in the woods, a huge, mastiff-sized urn sits atop a covered well.
All held torches; instead of the bowl formerly held by a statue, a huge urn stood near the fire and in front of it.
There he found Em, arranging flowers in a huge urn.
This was served buffet style from huge urns by the head chef.
The flowers were already in place - in huge urns, on trellises, and hanging on the walls.
The ashes were placed in a huge urn and displayed with state honors.
Two huge ceramic urns sit precariously atop columns high above the entrance to the building.
Tom and Jupiter went quietly out into the big front yard and sat on the steps between the two huge urns.
Tom sat down on the steps between the two huge urns which were banded with double-headed eagles.