Plus, Emma Stone wows in green gown at the Critics' Choice Awards Thursday evening, and Evan Rachel Wood shows off a huge new tattoo.
He looked vastly overweight, his hair was dyed orange, and there was a huge tattoo of Che Guevara on his right arm.
He certainly does not, like one veteran subway buff who tends to turn up at every Transit Authority function, sport a huge tattoo of a subway car on his bicep.
Why dismember a body but leave a huge tattoo with the victim's wife's name on it?
A huge blue tattoo of an eagle covered his right bicep, and on every second pass he took across the room Sara tried to decipher the words underneath to no avail.
- 2 months ago They talk about Brad, but he is standing next to Angie who has a huge tattoo on her shoulder.
Half her face-ear, cheeks, temple-was disfigured by a huge purple tattoo.
He is also light on his feet and looks ferocious with his shirt off, when a huge tattoo of an eagle on his right shoulder is exposed.
Alex, Chris and I sat next to each other in our underpants, staring at the others: nudity revealed a lot of scarred, disfigured bodies, with missing fingers and toes, the marks of surgical operations, and huge tattoos.