Sir Terrian asked the better part of an hour later, and Bahzell lowered his huge tankard of hot cider with a slight frown.
A huge tankard of strong home brew was ready at her elbow, and she was leaning back against Belkram.
Tegid of Rhoden, not one to let such largess slip past him, drained ten huge tankards to start the proceedings and then gathered speed as the night progressed.
The dwarfs slugged back their beer from huge tankards, growling and tugging at their beards, and muttering something in their harsh, flinty tongue.
This man halted in his description of an intended victim's charms, and thrust his muzzle into a huge tankard of frothing ale.
Puddle arrived with a huge tankard of my favorite food, that divine elixir that makes it necessary for me to work out.
The twins hurried across to the dwarf Beldin, carrying a large plate of steaming stew and a huge tankard.
The ale wife went away cackling and came back to serve both of them huge tankards slopping over with ale and a shared platter of meat mixed with onions and leeks swimming in a sea of grease.
Splurging, the man-at-arms used one of his silver pieces to purchase a huge tankard of mead.