The walls are dominated by huge posters of Michael Jordan, at his most formidable.
The TV camera left his face to focus on a huge poster on the wall behind him.
A huge poster from that period - "He's strong.
According to a huge poster, sales positions were available paying $30,000 to $85,000 in the first year.
The camera focused in on one huge poster this group was carrying.
He stopped and stared at a huge, red-type-on-white poster near the train station.
From all quarters people flocked to see the great prodigy, the wonder of the world, as he was described in huge posters.
Above the entrance was a huge poster of Casablanca, the first sign of that movie we'd seen in the entire town.
The children had strung a huge poster with "Happy Birthday" written on it, across the door.
He peers down from huge glorious-leader posters, and confers with himself at summit meetings.