We have a continuing banking crisis, which can only be resolved by huge further payments from taxpayers.
What if the fund faced a real catastrophe - huge payments to a class of workers such as those injured by asbestos, for example?
The Government blames the huge payments it must make on the country's $116 billion foreign debt.
It shows that an artist is hungry for great artwork but not only for huge payments.
Getting out of a failed swap can mean making a huge payment.
These huge payments are in addition to the pensions the retired workers receive.
President Clinton is ready to sign a bill that would authorize huge payments to American victims of international terrorism.
Instead of those huge payments, she said, large farmers must find profits in the global marketplace, and learn to respect trade agreements.
To help pay off the huge back payments on the house, Don decides to get a lodger.
"So people end up with huge monthly payments they can't afford."