For their part, many Japanese companies are returning huge parcels of stock they have managed on behalf of the government's public pension system.
In other towns, huge parcels are protected for environmental reasons, so businesses cannot move in.
In addition to three huge parcels of land were many smaller parcels, referred to as "outs."
Next day, she sent him a huge parcel of books about Germany.
These days, the huge empty parcel of land more often contains a pond of rainwater almost wide enough for a regatta.
Aside from hunting, fishing, skiing and hiking, the appeal lies in the chance to buy huge parcels of land at relatively modest prices.
Augustin and Adrienne were deeded a huge parcel of land on the island.
The company eventually carved three subdivisions out of the huge parcel of land and sold them, sight unseen, to buyers around the world.
Schultz paid only $2,000 for the huge parcel, and quickly resold it for $100,000 to a consortium of developers.
The child's eyes bulged at the huge parcel.