His most important job was to make a huge equestrian monument of a soldier (on horseback).
"It's like seeing Egypt under water 1" The huge monuments appeared to have been carved from solid rock.
Some of them have grown to be huge monuments of a once lively community.
'They stared at the huge monument for some minutes, when Clay asked: 'What's that little structure to the left?
In huge monuments, the dome rose from a triple-based platform.
It has a huge monument to the Army of the Andes at the top.
Once, they had gone to view the huge monument made out of a wrecked Titan mechanical body.
Opposite to the main entrance a huge monument is constructed for the memory of the Armenian martyrs.
Behind the church and across a small ravine is a huge khachkar monument from the 13th century with a shed roof at the rear.
No monument so huge can be a good thing.