However, this rumor was proven false when Asher claimed that it was all a huge misunderstanding.
This is all just just a huge misunderstanding, that's all.
Unfortunately this huge misunderstanding causes Porter to lose his job, since no one has seen the train.
This is the story of Josh and Emma, two teenagers who used to be best friends until a huge misunderstanding.
Despite her calm nature, she sometimes mispronounces her wording when under pressure, leading to some huge misunderstandings.
There was going to be one of those huge bottomless misunderstandings that always occurred whenever anyone tried to explain anything to the Archchancellor.
There seems to be a huge misunderstanding underlying many of your posts, though, and I'd like to clear it up.
Jeen Han's defense lawyers say the situation is based on a "huge misunderstanding."
I also believe that there is a huge misunderstanding surrounding the concept of the home market.
There is a huge misunderstanding about how this is to be interpreted, when Article 4 makes reference to annexes and other things.