Chase hopes the deal, the fourth huge financial merger recently, will enhance its global standing as a provider of financing to major corporations.
Other huge mergers within national boundaries have taken place over the last year in Spain, Germany and Belgium.
After those huge mergers, prices hardly moved (note that the Y-axis on this chart only goes from 60-75).
But you won't see these huge "mergers of equals" because those have been discredited.
The competition in Germany has already ignited several huge mergers, and more are on the way.
Several financial analysts said yesterday that these huge mergers meant that New York was finally catching up with the rest of the country.
The early 1990's were characterized by huge mergers, but those deals are rarer today.
In recent weeks, Switzerland witnessed a huge merger in another of its hallmark businesses: pharmaceuticals.
He tells Ryan of a huge merger between his company, Simpson Inc., and a large drug corporation.
Mr. Larsen said that the huge merger "requires disruption in people's lives."