The Australian police embarked on a huge manhunt, taking officers off ordinary duties, knocking on doors up and down the country.
The escapees remain at large, elusive despite a huge manhunt that has intensified since the fugitives were charged with the slaying of a police officer.
Within hours a huge manhunt had commenced in the forest, involving police marksmen, helicopters and 1,000 police officers on foot.
Her death sparks a huge manhunt by the Metropolitan Police and leads to the trial of Barry George.
After the shooting of Chief Costello, the police began a huge manhunt for Officer Lutes that included helicopters and experienced search teams on the ground.
Israeli troops mounted a huge manhunt and promptly announced they had seized nine Bedouins, though later Israel radio said it was not certain whether they were involved.
There was a huge manhunt going on, even now, but Annie doubted they'd find him.
Roberts hid out in Epping Forest to avoid the huge manhunt.
Would there be a huge manhunt for him?
Both men were able to escape in spite of a huge manhunt.