A moment later the head of a huge lion framed in a great black mane appeared in the opening.
The dragonne is a magical beast that looks like a cross between a huge lion and a brass dragon.
He was now thin and fragile-looking; only the huge lion's head remained unchanged.
On the top of the mass of boulders, opposite to me, standing out clear against the rock beyond, was the huge black-maned lion.
She turned her head to the right and saw a huge black lion asleep on I the bed beside her.
His eyes bugged out as he saw the huge lion thrown aside by Jim Hall.
Let it leak that the victim was clawed to death by something like a huge lion.
They had been drawn away after Phaeton reported a huge lion in the mountains to the north-west.
At his side walked a huge lion with a long black mane.
Behind her, some yards away but gaining swiftly, came a huge lion.