Not long before, a huge landslide swept away the whole surface area of a mountain close to the intended pipeline route.
On October 9, 1963 a huge landslide of 260 million cubic metres fell into the reservoir.
About 1,100 years ago, the volcano's edifice collapsed, causing a huge landslide.
This huge landslide may be partially responsible for the volcano's foot-like shape.
On 11 April, a huge landslide near Neyrolles station completely cut the line.
The faults from this huge landslide weakened the rock, making the western part of the mountain much more susceptible to erosion than the eastern side.
Ronald Reagan won the election by a huge landslide (winning 49 out of 50 states).
Johnson won the election in a huge landslide as well.
"He would have been elected to a third term by a huge landslide."
Labour had won power by a huge landslide, winning just under 50% of the vote to the Conservatives' 36%.