Did pioneer women have insulated gloves when their pots hung from hooks in those huge hearths?
He headed off along the left wall, bearing for the huge hearth in the north wall.
At the end of the room to Cerryl's right was a huge hearth, in which burned a low fire.
On the northeast she counted four huge outdoor hearths and two distinct work areas.
A log fire had been laid in the huge hearth but remained unlit.
Gellan squeezed through and made his way to the huge hearth.
The center of the house is a 52-foot living room, a huge hearth at either end and exposed everywhere to the welcoming texture of wood.
One wall was taken up mostly with assorted ovens and a huge open hearth.
He stood near the huge, empty hearth in the great hall.
She went to stand near the huge hearth, drawing her fur rnntle around her.