The flame tore a huge gouge in the mound's side, instantly igniting the fresh timber Moander had recently accumulated.
There were huge gouges where the earth had been scooped out, and dirt scattered everywhere.
Out on the region's highways, at least on those now drying out, workers are dumping sand and rock into hundreds of huge gouges left by scouring waters.
Frarsk ripped a huge gouge for thirty miles through the Ocala forests; the mighty ship never trembled.
Footage from the scene shows a huge gouge in the side of the mountain where it collapsed burying shacks with the inhabitants still inside.
The stone floors had spider webs of cracks, and huge gouges.
A huge gouge was ripped from his torso, the wound edged with large teeth marks.
She kicked at both me and Ari, even though the huge gouge on her arm was running blood over my hands.
As it did, the huge gouge that It had bitten in the Tree's trunk began to bleed light afresh.
The mountainside was covered with huge gouges.