The Brooklyn garden is more manageable because it was carved from a huge ash dump rather than incorporating natural features, as in the Bronx.
Gatsby was known for his love of tuna, sleeping 23 hours a day and taking huge dumps in the litter box.
All that had been solved by making one huge dump here, in this valley!
As we traveled west, we passed huge dumps of fuel and ammunition, as large as football fi I elds.
There is relatively little precipitation on winter; huge dumps of snow blocking passes is possible it is not the norm.
"All surplus equipment had been discarded in huge dumps".
But in the past we've always found huge dumps full of precursors nearby, and an aboveground explosion wouldn't wipe out a below-ground dump or burial site.
I know Seattle is due for a huge dump today, so maybe you're further south major?
It roared through the trees over Andrea's head, sending huge dumps of snow hurtling down all around her.
Luckily, there was still a huge dump of supplies housed in warehouses around the port.