He presumed that his upward motion was extremely slow because even considering the fragment ship's huge dimensions the shaft couldn't be endless.
The hole is of huge dimensions and descends to a depth of 340 feet.
It was the huge new dimension of uncertainty that was unsettling him.
First, a blow of huge dimensions against the corrupt Superpowers, plus the United Kingdom.
Analysts liked the fact that despite their huge dimensions, the two systems overlapped in few places.
The chamber was very spacious since it was designed for the huge dimensions of the Unithers.
Blown up to huge dimensions, it revealed some rather peculiar information.
There is a huge international dimension to being a Guide, and girls have many opportunities to go on trips abroad to various camps and events.
A single tree of huge dimensions, standing all alone, is a sublime object.
Immigration is a phenomenon of huge dimensions which, particularly in a space without internal borders, requires a European approach.