Kareen yipped, and Mark dove after the huge bug.
With a start, she saw the dark shape of the screeling skittering across the moonlit wall, like some huge, black bug.
They avoided the snakes, but it was impossible not to step on the huge bugs.
While individual pikmin are weak, 50 of them can knock down a barrier or best a huge bug.
She seemed some huge bug, walking across the water on her twin banks of slender oars.
In the gloom, Johnny first took it for the corpse of some huge dead bug.
I will cast in my huge bug, the line and rod heavy as they reach back and then forward.
The globes continued up the stairs, whirring like a swarm of huge bugs.
Gabriel sat there and looked at the ground, while yet another huge bug trundled by.
The most persistent was a huge bug wrapped in spider-silk in the far corner.