His team lost its temper after the elimination and started a huge brawl, which was believed to be one of the major factors that caused his resignation.
Assuming it is able to charge, the Mob is immediately moved against its target and a huge brawl breaks out.
Naturally, the Trojans rush to the rescue of their leader's son, and a huge brawl begins.
In any case, the result that evening in May was a huge brawl in the subway.
The replay will be recalled in most minds as the day that a huge brawl broke out after only 5 minutes had gone.
Unfortunately, '93 was reelection year for Reardon, so the whole mess turned into one huge political brawl.
It sounded like a huge brawl had broken out back by the long hall.
A huge brawl occurred, with the Originals fighting the Crusaders.
It camped on the common, but turned our quiet town into one huge brawl.
As if on cue, the entire Cutlass exploded into a huge brawl.