Gleaming scanner dishes began sweeping the sky, like the huge antennae of some fantastic insect.
The moon made figures out of streetlamps, turned the amusement park Ferris wheel into a huge antenna.
The first listening will be done at huge antennas in Puerto Rico and California.
To the east, the countryside's rolling ridges become small mountains; there, television reception requires either a satellite dish or a huge antenna.
He has worked on jobs around the world, including the huge antenna that once capped the World Trade Center.
Only a few years later, though, cracks began to appear once again in the tower due to "huge antennae" used by the post and the police.
These few stations, however, require the use of huge antennas and ultra-sensitive receivers to cope with the very distant, weak signals.
For long distance communication huge antennas were normally required, and enormous amounts of electrical power had to be fed into the transmitter.
On the summit there is a huge antenna and a small cabin, which is closed to the public.
He scanned the heavens with a huge dish-shaped antenna, listening for signals from advanced civilizations.