The howling noise from the loudspeaker grew even stronger.
It's dark all day, and there's this relentless, terrible howling noise.
Shelzane started to reply, but a howling noise interrupted her.
There was a keen night wind that made low howling noises through the naked trees.
Hot air was already beginning to push through to the cold side, making vague howling noises in the distance.
He went to the window, because the monstrous howling noises were much nearer and dawn had definitely arrived.
The house is creaking, and I'm hearing howling noises.
There was an odd keening, howling noise, like nothing Jericho had ever heard before, coming from beyond a wall.
Several months later, we started to hear howling and whistling noises coming from the windows.
The continuous howling noise of the tramontane is said to have a disturbing effect upon the psyche.