Her voice hovers amid a handful of instruments, with flickers of percussion to hint at regional rhythms from across Brazil or woodwinds to recall old dance bands.
And Starfly just hovered amid the debris without a scratch on it.
Like pieces of unstitched cloth chunks of his body of light slithered and fell away, leaving him a naked bluish form hovering amid the billowing energy waves of the etheric plane.
The direction in which the kakure village lay was shrouded in a milky haze; the silhouettes of trees hovered like ghosts amid the fog.
It hovered, later, amid the blackness that surrounded the gloomy mansion where Josiah Bartram had lain during his last illness.
The grey eyes looked into an indeterminate distance, as if Fougere's face hovered amid the smoke.
Bond yields hovered at their lowest levels in a month amid optimism over interest rates.
Mr. Navarret's blue lights and Mrs. Navarret's stars hover over the manger amid tuberoses, begonias, poinsettias and pine cones dipped in glitter.
Hovering amid the column of smoke, the large titanium sphere rested on the elevator platform.
Roger's hand hovered uncertainly amid the largesse of the tea cart, then snaked down to grasp the crystal decanter of twelve-year-old Muir Breame whisky.