For instance, official housing sales data lumps homes over $500,000 into a single category.
Supplies data about annual housing sales.
Prices of Treasury securities fell in dull trading yesterday, despite a report that showed rising interest rates severely hampering housing sales.
Rising housing sales produce all kinds of other consumer outlays from new wall telephones to wall-to-wall carpeting.
Typically, new housing sales and durable goods are two highly volatile measures of economic growth.
Both the housing sales and starts numbers are consistent with an economy that is heading for slower growth.
Foreclosures also impact neighboring housing sales on two levels-space and time.
In one year, there were virtually no housing sales in all of Chicago.
The move was prompted largely by the strengthening of consumer confidence and a slight recovery in new housing sales that set off new inflation worries.
Volumes declined and, by the end of the 1980s, private housing sales were down to around 5,000 houses a year.