He was referring to the city's division over a housing desegregation plan imposed by a Federal judge.
After a day of meetings, they gave no indication that a breakthough had been made to carry out the court-ordered housing desegregation plan.
Most vented anger over a court-ordered housing desegregation plan, but some said it was time to obey the law and build the subsidized housing.
Mr. Wasicsko has argued that the city should end what he called a costly and futile resistance to a court-ordered housing desegregation plan.
A1 News analysis: Yonkers's decision to accept a housing desegregation plan may not produce a significant legal or political precedent for other communities.
Either way, the plan would end the church's opposition and remove one lingering obstacle to carrying out the housing desegregation plan.
The city and four Councilmen had been found in contempt by a Federal judge for refusing to adopt a housing desegregation plan he had ordered.
Judge Sand had threatened the Councilmen with removal from office and bankrupting fines if they did not support a housing desegregation plan.
Yonkers, preoccupied with budget problems and a longstanding dispute over a court-ordered housing desegregation plan, took the 200-bed conversion in stride.
He was one of three councilmen who were outvoted last August when the four other council members voted to oppose a court-ordered housing desegregation plan.