Bruce Yorke is a former housing activist and city councillor in Vancouver, British Columbia.
Spink teamed up with the parish priest and local housing activists (including a former Weather Underground wannabe terrorist) and picketed Manufacturers' Hanover Manhattan headquarters.
In 1980, county planner Steve Clagett and other housing activists founded Common Ground in response to a growing housing crisis in the downtown core.
Mayor Fiorello H. LaGuardia appointed Langdon Post, a housing activist, to head the city's new Housing Authority.
Democrats are considering Blanca Lopez, a local housing activist and Mr. Pilla's campaign manager.
In 1978 the South End Improvement Corporation was established as a non-profit by a community housing activist to work toward similar goals by rehabilitating houses.
The institute has been involved in communities all across America, helping local housing activists to protect tenant rights and to build affordable homes for low- and moderate-income families.
Interview with a South African housing activist about recent struggles in Durban.
The victor was Antonio Pagan, a housing activist and champion of small business who led with Hispanic voters and Conservative Jews.
By filing the suit in State Supreme Court, the housing activists are attempting to involve state courts in housing integration, he said.