They are also available in stores outside Portugal, including a number of up-market housewares stores.
One newly renovated building in Coxsackie houses the group's clothing and housewares store.
The bottle is about $8 at housewares stores, and replacement filters are about $3.50.
The tools, all under $6, are sold at housewares stores.
It's rather like a supernatural moment in an alchemist's workshop, or a spectacular window display for a chic housewares store.
It costs about $40 at housewares stores; for sources, (800) 672-6333.
The grill is available in housewares stores around the country.
This new gadget, which comes in yellow, green, red and blue, is around $45 in housewares stores.
In 1990, however, the new building was converted into a housewares store.
Another commercial strip along 45th Street is features a cluster of antique and housewares stores.