It has been estimated that the participating households save €750 per year in energy costs.
Therefore if all households save money, they can all consume more in the future.
In October, the nation's households saved just 0.2 percent of their income.
The households receiving these incomes will save part of the money and spend the rest on consumer goods.
The reason, she said, is that most households are saving for long-term goals and don't generally play the market with mutual funds.
Indian households save about a quarter of their incomes.
Moreover, to the extent that households save more, Americans will become less dependent on public benefits to meet their retirement needs.
That meant, he said, that the average household would save $7.50 a year.
In other words, the Government needs each year to borrow more money than American households save.
About 1.5 million households saved $3 billion in 1991 by refinancing mortgages.