Now that's a helpful household hint, though her kitchen is nice, too.
The hero of the new sci-fi series "The Visitor" has spent 50 years in another world picking up household hints and spiritual insight from extraterrestrials.
This helpful household hint comes from interior decorating hobbyist Mac Barfo.
You know, household hints, kitchen, babies and all that.
Articles and fiction intended for women; includes household hints, recipes, and ideas on fashion and beauty.
And then there's more calculated, developed information, like the household hints, that takes a while to put together.
Subscribers can use the bulletin board to exchange messages, post suggestions and household hints, and even ask for professional advice.
These are more than wackily ingenious household hints.
That's their kind of household hint.
Almanacks were very popular books in colonial America, offering a mixture of seasonal weather forecasts, practical household hints, puzzles, and other amusements.