Changes are on the horizon, but right now most households get only three channels.
Most households will get a short questionnaire, which can be filled out in about 15 minutes.
On average, every household in China got 1.2 acres.
But 1 household in 6 gets the more elaborate long form, which has 53 questions, and this is where the objections arise.
Still, the report found some troubling signs that households could get into trouble should the economy slow.
This means that American households are getting poorer at a rate of more than two trillion dollars a year.
The amount of benefits the household gets is called an allotment.
I sell it to one person; one household gets to know this thing I've made.
"How well does the household get along with mom and daughter-in-law under the same roof?"
A man in New Jersey figures his household gets at least three computer calls a week.