The main contributors to this result were the large fall in the current account deficit and increasing household consumption.
It's not just the direct cash you will pay them, but all the indirect costs of additional household consumption.
So household consumption, falling in 2011, will barely grow in 2012.
Over all, for the first quarter, household consumption grew at an annualized rate of 4.1 percent.
Their salaries buy more and they are spending more, with real household consumption up 18 percent over the same quarter last year.
The direct and immediate effect of overseas migration is on average household consumption.
Between 1994 and 2009, household consumption has declined from 50 to 41.4 m3 per person per year.
The German government expects household consumption to rise 0.7 percent this year.
Agriculture is primarily done for household consumption and not for commercial purposes.
Medical spending soared from less than 6 percent of household consumption in the early 1960's to almost 17 percent today.