It is the kind of receptacle great collectors of the era used to house treasures, but Graham-Dixon tells his readers why the cabinet itself is much richer, in history and association, than anything one could put into it.
Also popular at Creations are the Bennett Boxes, crafted of contrasting woods by Ken and Pat Bennett of Toronto to house treasures of all sorts.
The temple also houses numerous treasures, including white jade Buddha from Burma and a stone tablet engraved with 1000 Buddhist figures.
The Cathedral houses the shrine and related treasures of Cuthbert of Lindisfarne, and these are on public view.
In addition, the lucky man will claim possession of the tomb, which is said to house great treasures and martial arts manuals.
It is a complex of two Greco-Roman buildings which house various relics and natural treasures in its galleries.
A room designed to house treasures.
Early in the history of China, scholars had extensive private libraries, and all of the imperial dynasties constructed libraries and archives to house literary treasures and official records.
It was increased in size greatly with a collection of new rooms which were suitable to house the family's growing art collections, furnishings and general treasures.
It includes a museum in which it houses historical treasures, a library which keeps rare and valuable historical records.