The house, perched on the corner of Broadway and 204th Street, recently reopened after a renovation.
There was an old wooden house perched on top of a small hill, and the featureless cabins were spread out across the property below.
Before that, another two were slain in a house perched on a hill, more than three miles from the nearest road.
He turned to look at the Masterses' white gabled house, perched on the bluff above the beach, soft with the sun of late afternoon.
Sturdy wooden bridge-walks connected the houses and businesses perched high above the ground where five hundred people went about their daily lives.
There are no roads to the houses perched in the upper reaches of the town, only narrow stairs carved into the ancient rock.
A little house, perched on high piles, appeared black in the distance.
It will cut back on new policies for houses perched on precarious coastlines.
Penthouses - those top floor rooms that look like little houses perched on top - are defined by their size.
I asked as Man Mountain and I moved toward the big house perched on the corner.