It also houses paintings, portraits and other art works and displays artifacts relating to the local area, its history and culture.
Built in 1758 over the pre-existing main church, and enlarged in 1884, it houses precious 16th paintings.
Upper floors of residences usually served as chapels (choesum) that housed paintings, statues, and religious literature.
In 2007, only the church, which houses paintings from the fourteenth century, remains standing.
The museum also houses paintings, sculptures, Renaissance furniture, Oriental art, and works by Varnelis.
It houses paintings by many European masters as well.
To see the art in chronological order, start with the Sainsbury Wing on the gallery's western side, which houses paintings from 1260 to 1510.
It houses paintings from the 16th and 17th centuries.
Other notable parts of the building include the Caspersen Room, which houses rare books, manuscripts, and paintings.
It houses paintings and archives related to Sandzén and a number of his contemporaries.