It was handmade and had always been used to house personal effects and special items.
The addition also houses items from that club, along with other Finnish handcrafts, books and art works.
There are other developments such as the rebuilding of Loughrans Castle as a historical building to house historical items from the surrounding area.
Now it houses selected items of the 800-strong collection, rotated on view every month or two, while some space is set aside for external temporary exhibitions.
As the 17th century scientific revolution progressed the popularity and growth of antiquarian collections, some claiming to house highly improbable items grew.
The structures were used to house priests, sacred ceremonial drums, sacred items, and cult images representing the gods associated with that particular temple.
It houses eclectic items for sale, from books to clothing to groceries.
It was used to house artifacts and items if historic interest which were found by persons in the area of the old Fort.
Another big concern is where to house and place certain items in a proper manner respecting each culture.
Collections can also be a financial burden, especially when you find yourself renting space to house items you can't part with.