The reigning houses of Belgium, Norway and Luxembourg also descend from her.
The house itself directly descended from the Vojislavljević, which ruled over medieval Serb lands.
The present house of Blacas descends from them.
The house then descended to the 6th Earl who died in 1955 without a male heir and so the title became extinct.
The Prime Minister turned and glared at Peter with a silent steely gaze while the house descended into uproar.
Each royal houses still descends and enthroned their kings up until now.
The house descended since then in the Riddell family until it was sold to accountant Nicholas Bristow.
Snapped from its tether, the house descends out of sight through the clouds, which Carl accepts as being for the best.
Snorri then immediately mentions what seem to be intended as four famous houses not descended from Halfdan the Old:
The deflated houses descend rapidly, at a rate of about 2,500 feet a day.