The house burned some time in the middle 19th century.
The house would be burning the second I was inside.
Years later, after the husband died, the house burned to the ground.
Within 24 hours every house had burned to the ground.
There was a fire, burned the house down to the ground.
Not in the kitchen, or the back part of the house would burn first.
"After the house burned there was no more work for her?"
How many times has my house burnt to the ground?
Our first house burnt down and we lost almost everything.
I watched the house burn from the other side of the street.
Oliver St. John Gogarty was another prominent victim of house burnings.
The measures used included pitchcapping, half-hanging, and house burnings to uncover rebel conspirators.
Open hostilities broke out, resulting in numerous killings and house burnings.
The negroes, frightened and sullen, muttered of retaliatory house burnings.
Soon, patrol duty turned to trying to protect the remaining 1,700 or so Serbs, who faced a steady threat of shootings, grenade attacks, kidnappings and house burnings.
The militias, which have waged a relentless campaign of house burnings in the southeastern suburb of Becora, an independence stronghold, continued their rampage today.
On that first day, they had to deal with murder, kidnapping, torture, inter-communal gun-battles, house burnings, beatings, weapon finds and looting.
Thereafter, the government began a campaign of repression targeted against the United Irishmen, including executions, routine use of torture, transportation to penal colonies and house burnings.
On 6 June 1921, the British made their first conciliatory gesture, calling off the policy of house burnings as reprisals.
These results are typical for all of the modern experiments that have been done to try to recreate these ancient house burnings.