"Dirty Talk" is a dance-pop song backed by a house beat, inspired by a bedroom fantasy.
Uusitalo releases are often anchored by a house beat and highlight rhythmic variation (see 2007's Karhunainen).
In the upstairs club, the ceiling's 8000 golden light globes throb in time to the house beat.
Later the music perked up as Gerald switched to a house beat and used a sampled vocal instead of live ones, giving him more control.
"Current" has an energetic house beat and ghostly electronic sounds wafting in and out of the mix.
Some songs use the typical house beat and acoustic piano sound, while others mix and match funk samples.
The song incorporated Carey's vocals, and added them to a thumping house beat, something he would do for many of her future singles.
In the second tunnel, dozens of kids dance to the throbbing house beat.
"Part of Me" is a dance-pop, pop rock and power pop song set to a house beat.
The simple fusion of rap with house beats.