The company estimates its hourly cost of labor at $43, including benefits for retirees, while suppliers' costs are half as much for some parts.
Thus, by using this evaluation technique, we are able to avoid the need for obtaining productive hourly costs translated into dollars using purchasing power parities.
(In her author's note she says that she "would like to acknowledge the therapists whose priceless inspiration was purchased at great hourly cost.")
Mr. Gephardt argued that the hourly cost of this employer mandate would be "not unlike a minimum-wage increase."
The average hourly cost of an apparel industry employee in South Korea in 1998 was $2.69, including wages, taxes and benefits, according to industry figures.
Though that seems stingy compared with the $10.12 United States average, the average Russian hourly cost is just 56 cents.
Each one has a different upfront cost and a different hourly cost.
The average hourly cost of an auto worker in western Germany is the highest in the industry, at $40.80.
The hourly cost for those nurses may also be covered by insurance, especially if nursing care would have been provided at home, hospital administrators said.
The difference between the two rates (0.43 and 0.23), i.e., about 0.20% of hourly cost including wage costs benefits to the State.